Our Line in the Sand
Here at Flow Running, part of our vision is to share helpful information about the world of running and perhaps beyond, which means sharing our opinions on a range of things. However, we know what a minefield the world of social media can be, "do this, don't ever do that, eat this, think that, make sure you get up at 3.07 am and drink a pint of…" I'm sure we've all seen it, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing.
Our ramblings via the blog will be based on our experience as amateur runners, but importantly, we won't be vilifying one opinion/practice/training method or another and will steer away from a dogmatic approach. We won't be preaching to you. We're not physios, personal trainers, running coaches, or dieticians; put simply, we're not experts. It's always critical to evaluate where our information comes from and recognise views that are skewed towards one end of the spectrum.
There are many ways to skin the proverbial cat, many ways you can ensure you feel and perform your best and find your flow, not only with your running but beyond. Like with most things, 'everything in moderation' is always a good place to start, and will more often than not, be the side we come down on. We have occasionally played human guinea pig on ourselves and done our very best impressions of the professions listed above (on ourselves only). Hopefully, we can provide a helpful insight or two to you, our readers.
Our blogs are aimed at anyone and everyone with even the mildest interest in running. A strong theme that will emerge is our belief that humans were born to move, and more specifically, to run, as we evolved. We hope there's something for everyone here at Flow Running.
If there are topics you'd like covered, please reach out to us via the contact form below or at team@flowrunning.uk and remember to go with the flow…
Dan & Cal